I am honored to be Queen for the ensuing year. In 2020, it seemed like the world shut down 2 weeks before my Installation so I can’t tell you how excited I am to have you all here to share this wonderful and exciting occasion with. I am so glad that we are all able to gather together once again, and I hope that you will all join us in the events we are planning for the upcoming year and to just celebrate each other and the good we are trying to continue to do for the children.
Past Supreme Queen Heather recently shared the Daughters of the Nile Mission statement with our Nile Smiles and I though it only appropriate to read it today:
“The Daughters of the Nile is an international, fraternal organization committed to enhancing the lives of women of all ages by promoting lifelong friendships, character building, intellectual benefits, a commitment to serving others and a belief in the existence of a Supreme Being. The Daughters of the Nile accomplishes its mission through meaningful ritualistic ceremonies, by promoting and supporting the Supreme Temple and Subordinate Temples, and by contributing to the Daughters of the Nile Foundation and the Canadian Foundation, both of which benefit Shriners Children’s™. We are committed to fostering the belief in the Fatherhood of God and the Sisterhood of Women, and the desire to serve others.”
This may sound like something you’ve heard before from me, but I feel it’s very important so I’m saying it again. I want this year to be full of positivity and fun. We all joined Daughters of the Nile to make a difference in the lives of the children. We all need to remember this, and we need to bring back the fun that I have heard so much about from all of the wonderful ladies that are a part of this organization. This year I hope to do some fun things outside of our sessions and hopefully we can all get to know each other a little better and have fun! I want everyone to feel included and to feel that they are helping our organization whether it be by participating in fundraisers or just participating in one of our meetings or fun events.
Lastly, I want to thank my family, my husband for putting up with my “oh it’s just 1 day a month”, my daughters (Kaylen-my photographer today and Kealy-my Canadian Flag bearer-because my cousin Stacy was too short), Martha-my mom and bible bearer, Katrina-my sister and American Flag Bearer (she made the cute centerpieces too), my cousin Stacy, my Aunts Carolyn and Aunt Bev and my dear friend Cindy who carried in my crown today on her birthday (it was previously worn by her mother in law Marge Anderson), and to all the rest of my friends and all the wonderful ladies that have helped me get to this point. I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for all of you answering my questions and giving me encouragement along the way. I can’t thank all of you enough and I can’t wait to get this amazing year started.
With Nile Smiles and Hopes for all of your Happiness,
Michelle Bennett
Queen of Alabet Temple No. 31